Grandpa's Birthday Pancake!
Total time: Approx 30 mins
Are you all set for pancake day? Oliver and Daddy have to get inventive when Grandpa's special birthday pancake gets stuck on the ceiling!
Key themes
Pancakes; pancake day; making pancakes; cooking; healthy eating; eggs; hens; Birthday; Grandpa; special time with Daddy
Props today
None used today. But We hope this will inspire you to make some pancakes of your own after the session!
About Helen
Helen has shared her stories and activities with thousands of children in nurseries, schools and private classes. The idea behind Animateys was to create a beautiful and interactive platform that empowers parents and early years practitioners - making it easy and fun to really LIVE stories actively with their children - thereby increasing the enjoyment and multiplying the learning opportunities. Helen has learnt a raft of technical skills in order to make this dream a reality.
About Christine
Christine has been illustrating Helen's stories for well over a decade. With each new Animateys story, we ask more and more of Christine's talent and she is having to produce characters and pictures in new ways to fit with our animations. We think it's working a treat! We adore the unique blend of traditional watercolours with digital moving pictures!
About Charlie
Charlie is a trained professional actor who is a natural with the children. His portrayal of Daddy in this story is excellent and highly amusing! He engages gorgeously with our little illustrated Oliver (whom, as for all our characters) is brought to life by Charlie with his animation skills too! Brilliant job Charlie! We love it!
About Harry
Harry made his voice actor debut with "Grandpa's Birthday Pancake", where he voiced the role of Oliver. We think he did a perfect job! Harry can be more usually found speeding up the football pitch or playing virtually with his friends on his PS4! We hope Harry will lend us his lovely voice again for future episodes! 😎