Grab the chance

Share the stories,
Share the love ...

Earn ongoing monthly income by joining our free affiliate programme

3 easy steps to start earning commissions.

#1 Join

Join for free. It only takes 1 minute to sign up and start promoting. With 10% affiliate commission, earning money has never been easier!

#2 Share

When you become an affiliate, we'll provide you with an affiliate ID. Share any product link including your ID. We track every page you share.

#3 Earn

When someone visits the link you have shared and purchases a product, you'll earn 10% not only on the initial sale, but also on any recurring payments they make.
We have the stories, and exciting resources for nurseries, schools and parents. You have the network... 
With your help we can help children over the world to be inspired by stories & language ... to build rich vocabularies, develop key skills and HAVE FUN!

 💕  Everyone wins  🙌

for our At Home Annual

£49.99/yr plan

you receive
£4.99/ year
for life!

10 families: £49.99/ year
20 families: £99.8/ year
50 families : £249.5 /year

for our At school & nursery MONTHLY

£15.99/mo plan

you receive
(or £19.08 / year)
for life!

10 settings: £15.99/ month
20 settings: £31.98/ month
50 families: £79.95 / month

for our At school & nursery ANNUAL

£99.99/yr plan

you receive
£9.99/year !
for life!

10 settings: £9.99 /year
20 settings: £19.98 /year
50 settings: £499.5 /year

Frequently asked questions

1. Are there any fees or costs associated with becoming an affiliate?

Not at all. There is no sign up fee or cost associated with becoming an Animateys affiliate.
We are good at making stories. We would like to spend more time doing that and less time telling people about them! We would love your help in spreading the word. We're delighted to share 10% with you for the lifetime of each membership. That's it! No hidden costs at all.

2. How long do the cookies last?

Our cookies last for 90 days. This means that you get credit for any referred customer who returns to our site within 90 days, even if they do so directly.

3. Is there an agreement that I need to accept before becoming an affiliate?

In order to become an affiliate you will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions of our Affiliate Program.

Let's have a chat first...

If you're interested in joining up, let's have a chat first. We can help you by explaining more about what we do and providing you with promotional materials etc. Please contact us and request a chat about our affiliate programme. We look forward to hearing from you.