Childminders, librarians, individual practitioners

Active Storytelling Training 

Tips and techniques to bring storytime to life - maximising the developmental impact on our children!
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About the training

Maximise development and vocabulary growth through active stories!

Delivered by interactive video.
Once activated you will access for 12 months
This course will give you:

  • First hand examples of why active storytelling dramatically increases learning opportunities 
  • Simple tried and tested techniques for turning any story book into an active workshop
  • An activity plan for the story of Goldilocks!
  • A personalised certificate to serve as a reminder to keep taking your storytelling that bit further
On completion of the feedback form you will get:
  • A further lesson plan for the story of Monkey Puzzle.
    A jungle/pirate themed action song with music.

Helen Hooper

Storyteller, writer
Helen has been living and breathing stories for almost fifteen years. She's written over sixty stories together lively activities for the under sixes.

Active Storytelling reviews

"I would recommend this training to others working in the Early Years. The ideas for acting out activities are practical and useful."
Nursery Assistant
"The downloads are useful to refer to, especially the lesson plan for Goldilocks and Monkey Puzzle"